Standing Up For Your Standing Desk

Imagine…you’re sitting in a bleak classroom, listening to a monotonous speech by your teacher. You find it hard to pay attention as she slowly changes the power point. As you slowly drift off to sleep, the back of your mind wills you to sleep over and over again, till you finally give in and relax. When you wake up to the bell, the teacher and class are staring intently at you. You fell asleep in class and now have detention. I believe that all classrooms should have standing desks because when you use a standing desk, blood sugar levels return to normal faster after a meal, it reduces the risk of shoulder and back pain, and it helps you focus as well as improve your mood. 

Unless you’re a diabetic, you probably don’t pay attention to your blood sugar levels but they can actually affect your life more than you think. Standing while working can actually reduce your risk of type two diabetes. “There is a rapidly increasing amount of evidence suggesting that prolonged periods of sitting may be harmful to your health.” High blood sugar levels can also cause fatigue. Fatigue can also cause fainting, headaches, sore or aching muscles, moodiness, dizziness, and slowed responses and reflexes. 

Standing desks can also reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain. Shoulder and back pain are caused when you have poor posture or muscle strain. When you are sitting in a classroom for a prolonged period of time, you start to feel pain in your lower back caused by poor posture. Standing desks can help you improve your posture and help out back and shoulder pain. “Your back and leg muscles will have to put in more work to keep you standing, which in turn improves your posture.”

Taking notes in a boring class is usually a daunting task. Boring classes can cause children to be inattentive, which can also cause stress and moodiness. Using a standing desk can help you focus, increase productivity, and it can also improve your mood. “Standing desks boost brain activity by increasing blood flow, similar to the way exercise does.” Standing while working can also improve your mood. “Additionally, 87% of those using standing desks reported increased vigor and energy throughout the day.”

Many people think that standing desks are way too expensive, and they might be right, but it is certainly worth the money to get a standing desk. My three reasons you should get one are; they help blood sugars return to normal faster after a meal, standing desks help reduce the risk of shoulder and back pain, and they help you focus and they improve your mood. I hope you take these factors into consideration. 

Real or Fantasy

Imagine jumping off a train into a central greeting place in futuristic Chicago except now it’s divided into sections based on personality traits. These ”factions” hate each other and are each trying to take over the government. I’m describing a scene from one of my favorite books, Divergent. Those of you who have read the book probably caught on real fast to what I was talking about, but those who haven’t probably thought I was some sort of crazy person. I believe that everyone should read books and go to the library because they help you relax by providing a calming environment, help you to discover other genres that you never knew you liked or existed, and reading books can help with your mental and physical health. Now imagine this, you are in a quiet meadow relaxing as the breeze gently sways the long grass that surrounds you. The weather is perfect, there is a babbling brook next to you that lulls you softly to sleep. This sounds like a scene from a book or movie. Reading books can help you relax by describing soothing scenes and environments. Reading books can also help you discover other genres that you never knew existed. For example, you are at the library looking at your favorite series and as you look down the shelf you see another series of books that catches your attention, this might possibly be your new favorite series and you wouldn’t have known if you didn’t go to the library and go check out your favorite book series. Books can also help with your mental health. A 2009 study at the University of Sussex found that reading can “relax your body by lowering your heart rate and easing the tension in your muscles.” It can also reduce your stress by up to 68%. These 3 points are some of the many reasons why I believe everyone should read a book. Books can help you relax, help you discover other genres and book series, and it can help with your mental and physical health. These are the three reasons why I think that everyone should read and/or go to the library.


Have you ever liked a frozen flagpole? Or stuck a metal fork in the toaster or an outlet? If you have ever done any of these things you know that there are consequences for these foolish acts that you have to learn the hard way. Some lessons I have learned the hard way are don’t forget sunscreen before going swimming for long periods of time, don’t  use a bike in a way it could hurt you, and that you should canoe with my grandpa at your own risk. All of these lessons I can assure you that I have done and regretted.

Swimming without sunscreen for long periods of time is not advised; however, I have done this multiple times and one time in particular when I had severe consequences to suffer. I had gone over to Brooke’s cabin during the summer just before our families “sheep camp” (a week that all the cousins go over to our grandparents to train sheep) and we were so excited to go swimming that we had forgotten sunscreen. We lost track of time and went swimming for 5 hours without noticing. The next morning we looked a little sunburnt but we still wanted to hop in the water again. So we applied a little sunscreen anticipating a short swim, and we once again lost track of time and swam for about 5 and a half hours without reapplying sunscreen. That weekend as we joined our cousins at our grandparents I noticed a very defined razorback tan line and very red shoulders. So burnt, in fact, that the burns radiated heat. That was the weekend of pain. From that time on, I wore sunscreen whenever going swimming or going outside for long periods of time. I guess you could say I learned my lesson.

Bikes are fun if used correctly, you can use them to get exercise, or do a little race on your driveway. You probably think I am an idiot at this point in the essay, but just hold on, I might not be. On multiple occasions you have probably fallen off of your bike or something like that. On my 11th birthday, I wanted to have an outdoor party so we set up a table and started a fire. We couldn’t invite many people because of covid, but our cousins were able to come and enjoy an evening of sitting by the campfire and eating cake. Since we got bored and it was too warm outside to sit by a fire, me and a couple of my cousins went to go ride bikes. While we were riding bikes a me and a couple other people raced each other around the bends and turns of the sidewalks. Of course, I ended up hurting myself. I turned too hard and got asphalt burns on the side of my leg. The lesson I learned was that you should never use a piece of equipment in a way it is not supposed to be used.

I have had a long and traumatic experience with canoeing in my childhood. And if you are canoeing for the first time, DON’T GO WITH MY GRANDPA! If he says you might make it through the branch across the river, you won’t . The most traumatic trips I had to go on were down the Pensaukee river. The very first time I went canoeing we went down the wrong part of the river and there were more branches we had to climb over and across than we expected. During the trip we lost all of our food, Elijah’s shoes, Dad’s shoe, and all of our drinks. Elijah also found a rusted Sprite can floating down the river and since it had not been opened, drank it. That was gross. Since we didn’t bring any phones so we wouldn’t wreck them, we also had to stop by the highway and go and knock on a stranger’s door because we were so lost, it turns out we started at the wrong point of the river. We canoed in the hot summer heat and there were more mosquitoes than stars in the sky, it turns out Isaiah’s theory of “covering yourself in mud will repel mosquitoes” didn’t work out the best for him. During the trip we flipped the canoes over about 4 times for each canoe. Some of those times our grandpa thought it would be fun to tip over a canoe in the shallower water so we could “cool off”. Then last summer we decided to go at it again with our cousins, the Kochs. It started smoothly but went downhill quickly. Since we had borrowed some kayaks as well as canoes from our grandpa and a family friend, we were able to take 11 people along with us. Our grandpa also came along with us on this trip. I started out in a canoe, but got bored so I switched to a kayak which just happened to be when the rapids were. I wasn’t able to switch back to a canoe so I tipped a couple times trying to get over branches across the river. Multiple times down the river there were branches completely over the entire river so we had to portage, which was when I scraped up my legs in the stinging nettle that I didn’t know was there. I also had gotten stuck on the shore and couldn’t get back into my kayak because there was some sort of quick sand that pulled you under with it. I had scrapes from my waist to my toes from the nettle. After kayaking for about 8 hours, we got out of the water freezing cold, wet , tired, and hungry. I could go into more details of what the trips were like, but It would bore you to death. Anyway, the lesson I learned from those experiences was if you want to go canoeing, don’t go with our grandpa because he may mess up the river route, give you wrong information on where to turn on the river, and maybe tip over your canoe…for fun.

I know I learned my lesson more than 3 times, but these were the three times that stood out to me. So if you ever get the urge to ignore sunscreen, or ride bikes recklessly, don’t. In conclusion, three times that I have learned my lesson the hard way are when I forgot sunscreen before swimming, used a piece of equipment incorrectly, and made the mistake of trusting my grandpa to be in a canoe with me and not tip me over.

Breathe in, Breathe out

Imagine floating through a black void. Toppling over and flipping through the darkness. That’s what I feel like when I listen to relaxing music or ASMR. I also like to relax by taking a walk through the woods in our backyard. Music, ASMR, and taking a quick walk help you to relax in ways you don’t even know. They can relax your muscles, help you concentrate, feel more optimistic, lowers blood pressure, and relieves anxiety. 

Whether it is pop, country, or rock music can help you to relax by helping you concentrate on a task or having fun jamming out at a school dance. Music can help you feel more optimistic, it can also relax your muscles, and when you listen to music your brain synchronizes with the beat to relieve tension. ASMR stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. It is similar to music because it uses your sense of hearing to relieve stress and anxiety. ASMR can also promote relaxation, lower your blood pressure, and can cause fewer headaches. Another way you can relax is to take a brisk walk through your yard. Taking a walk can improve your mood by promoting the release of endorphins (brain chemicals) to stimulate relaxation.

In conclusion, some scientific methods to relieve stress can be music, ASMR, and taking a walk, because they can help you concentrate, feel more optimistic, and promote the release of endorphins to help you to relax.


Family Game Night! Pick your choice of game, maybe Monopoly? The Game of Life? Chess? Risk? My 3 personal favorite games for game night are The Settlers of Cattan, Star Trek Ascendancy, and Star Trek Attack Wing. These games allow you to build empires and civilizations, battle other players, and portray iconic characters. The first board game is near and dear to my heart, The Settlers of Cataan. As a child I recall sitting down at the dinner table with my family and building cities, settlements, roads, boats, and trading posts. It was really fun trying to sabotage my siblings by blocking them in or stealing resources with the robber. Inferior to Cattan, but still entertaining and lively would be Star Trek Ascendancy. In Ascendancy, you can play as traditional Star Trek alien races like the Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Ferengi, Andorians, and of course, The Federation (humans). You can also explore the galaxy and obliterate opponents trying to earn cultures (tokens needed to win the game). Last but not least, Star Trek Attack Wing. In Star Trek Attack Wing you can use classic ships and iconic captains to destroy your enemies and be the last one standing. This game gets my adrenaline pumping because the die determines your fate. Choose your captain wisely as they are all different and have separate abilities that increase your ship’s power. In conclusion, my 3 favorite board games are The Settlers of Cataan, Star Trek Ascendancy, and Star Trek Attack Wing because you can build civilizations, defeat enemies, and be the last one standing. 

Teens Working?

Many teens have part-time or summer jobs, but do they really help? I believe teens should have part-time jobs because mainly they help teach teens to learn money management skills, they also help teens who have part-time jobs get better grades, and as a result teens are more disciplined and responsible.  

If you have ever done miscellaneous jobs as a child or have a job, you most likely get compensated for it.. “Jobs help kids to learn to manage money and understand personal finance.” Angus Whyte. Kids learn to spend their money responsibly and smartly, 

“New research shows that 47% of high school seniors last year graduated last year with an “A” average.” says Justin Bey.  The truth is, high schoolers who have professions have exceptional grades. This is because they are able to use their time more efficiently.

“Working really makes you more structured.” says Melissa Cottrel. Working can construct responsibility and discipline in teens. Have you ever had a chore to do and not done it? You probably got in trouble, it’s the same when you’re older. If you have a responsibility and don’t do it you are disciplined and you learn from that experience.

These are my three arguments why teens should have jobs: you learn financing, it aids in obtaining good grades, and you are more disciplined. So, if you are thinking about getting a job in high school I would highly recommend it because it is highly beneficial.

Street Smart

Have you ever sat bored during an essay or class wishing you were doing something else? I certainly have, and you probably have too. That’s why I believe schools should train students professionally, because many jobs don’t  require a bachelor’s degree. You don’t need to go to school to be a leader or have a strong work ethic, that’s just natural.  Also, a large percent of students would rather do something hands-on or productive but also fun. 

Not a lot of people in the world are complete geniuses, most are just ordinary people doing what they can to make a life for themselves in this world. “ By educational attainment: 35% of job openings require at least a bachelor’s degree.” You can do plenty of things in life without being that smart. “A new survey says that the average American uses just 37% of the information they learn in school.” Over 1.2 million high school pupils drop out of school a year, that’s one every 26 seconds! About 601 million people go to high school in the world, and of that almost 30% of them have jobs. So about 180,300,000 high schoolers have jobs. Which proves you don’t have to have a lot of education to get a job. Most of the population has natural talents, and many have some of the top skills employers look for,” The top 5 skills employers look for include: 1.Critical thinking and problem solving 2. Teamwork and collaboration 3. Professionalism and strong work ethic 4. Oral and written communication skills 5. Leadership” For example, 91.2% of society have critical thinking, 86.3% of people obtain teamwork, 80.4% of the population have a strong work ethic. Also, 69.6% of society have oral communication skills, and 77.5% of people have written communication skills. Also 72.5% of the public have leadership. Another pro of teaching trades in school is that pupils would have more enjoyment and learn more through hands-on learning. “Having fun while learning also helps students retain information better because the process is enjoyable and memorable.” Active participation also helps you to attain skills better. “52% of participants said that “Active participation through hands-on training” was the learning method that worked best for them.” It also helps keep you motivated to learn more. “…when students are engaged with their hands and their minds, they actually are focused and motivated to learn.” 

In conclusion, I believe that schools should train professionally because most jobs only require basic schooling, you don’t really need to go to school to be a strong leader or have good communication skills. Students would also enjoy doing hands-on projects that also help them to learn. 

Dreaming About the Dead

Have you seen a professional football player just walking down the aisle at the grocery store and asked them for an autograph? Or maybe you went to a concert or autograph signing and saw them there. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet your favorite personage? I know I would really like to meet face to face with Leonardo da Vinci. (Even if he is dead, I don’t care. I would like to meet him nonetheless ) My top three reasons are I would like to meet him and discuss his mental health issues, to get advice from him, and to talk to him about his apparatuses and scientific studies he did.

Not many people know it, but Leonardo da Vinci had mental health issues. He was diagnosed with ADHD soon after he died  and considered himself to be a failure at most of the things he did in life. Leonardo da Vinci had ADHD which kept him from finishing a lot of prototypes he was working on. Leonardo also had imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome makes you feel like a failure whether or not you are a success. ”Even Leonardo da Vinci, one of the most talented individuals ever to have lived, and someone who has been considered by many art historians a “universal genius”, said, “I have offended God and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have.” Luzia Dreasher, March 18th, 2018. “ It is incredible that Leonardo considered himself as someone who had failed in life,” Professor Marco Cantini, of King’s College London. I would absolutely appreciate the ability to talk to him and discuss his mental issues. 

Most people know Leonardo da Vinci because of his recognizable artworks, such as The Mona Lisa or The Last Supper. Studies have been done on the original colors of The Mona Lisa and what it actually looked like when he painted it. Turns out it had a brilliant blue background. I want to talk to him about how he was able to incorporate colors to get that bright of a blue. The Last Supper is displayed at the Santa Maria delle Grazie on an immense wall and sometimes in

most churches and some residences. I think it would be enjoyable to talk to him about how he was able to keep proportions straight and how he could paint with incredible detail on that large a scale. I would absolutely love it if I could sit down and talk to him about his techniques he used to make his famous paintings. 

 The last reason I would like to see him would be to talk to him about his science and engineering. I think it is incredible how he created the first flying machine just by writing it on paper, if that was me I would HAVE to at least make a model to test it out. I admire him also because of his scientific studies. Leonardo had a particular fondness for dissecting dead humans. Scientists have found a number of his drawings of different parts of the body. I think it would be enlightening to talk to him about his studies and inventions. 

In conclusion, if I could choose a famous person to talk to it would have to be Leonardo da Vinci because of his imposter syndrome and ADHD, painting techniques, and about his studies and inventions. 

Music: a Lifestyle

Music is a very important part of my life. I play flute, piano, and participate in multiple choirs. My preferred instruments are piano, flute, and trombone. I adore the deep sound of the trombone while the flute and piano can play elegant or dignified pieces.

My number one favorite instrument is piano. I have a special fondness for classical music like Bach or Beethoven on piano. Piano really stands out to me because of the rigid melodies it can play or the elegant sonatinas that waltz around in my head. My second favorite instrument is the flute. I play it and adore the different fingerings even though they may be hard to play. On flute you can play elegant pieces like “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy ” where it incorporates both high and low notes. My third prefered instrument is the trombone. I think it is compelling to listen to delicate songs and hear a glissando shatter the peacefulness and turn the song into a dark and deep composition. 

In summary, my three favorite instruments are piano, flute, and trombone because of their low and high frequencies and the elegant and darker sonatinas. 

The Aftermath of Art

Have you ever been to an art gallery? If so, have you ever thought about why art is crucial or important? Sometimes I wonder why art is important to people and what aftermath it has on the world. Art is crucial because it gives you a way to express your conceptions or ideas on paper, it relieves anxiety, and it boosts your self-assurance. Art gives you a way to express yourself and your ideas because you don’t have to follow regulations when you create it. Just think there’s no such thing as mistakes in art (just happy little trees). Art is in the eye of the beholder. Sometimes art can mean something different to you than it does to someone else. Art relieves anxiety. “Studies have shown that expressing (themselves) through art can help people with depression, anxiety, or cancer, too”. Art can also boost your self-confidence. For example, have you ever finished a job or chore early and been happy for the rest of the day? Whenever I finish a piece of art I always look back on it and grin. Art also boosts your self-assurance when you are pessimistic about not doing something right over and over, but then all of a sudden it just clicks, and you have a completed masterpiece Remember when you were little and colored a picture and showed it to your parents and they absolutely adored it and went as far as to show others too? You’ve probably felt overjoyed when your parents shared your picture, it’s the same with art. Three reasons why art is important are it gives you a way to express your ideas, it relieves anxiety, and it boosts your self assurance.